We are very excited to host Esperide Ananas on the Mangu.tv podcast. Esperide is a psychologist, spiritual healer, coach and meditation teacher. She is also a storyteller, who is passionate and committed to sustainability, personal growth & creativity. She is a citizen of Damanhur and her work is inspired by the traditions of her community. Damanhur is an ecovillage community in the Piedmont region of northern Italy, as well as a school of knowledge and spiritual movement known for the Temples of Humankind.
Esperide became a citizen of Damanhur thirty years ago. In this episode, she and Giancarlo dive deep into the values and structures of her community, the Council of Sage, the Temples of Humankind, as well as many practical principles and systems that have led to Damanhur’s success.
Damanhur’s vision is to create the seed of a new civilization, by living a spiritual life that manifests in practical action. She discusses the variety of ways that Damanhurians manage to live together in a larger community with a shared vision. They have modernized the idea of the tribe, by bringing together people who share values and ideas, and as their community grows so does their diversity, which allows for the expansion of their community model.
Esperide passionately communicates that living in community isn’t easy or idyllic, it is hard work that comes with many rewards. And it is what is absolutely necessary for the future of humankind.
You can get in contact with Esperide by email: [email protected]
For further details on Esperide Ananas, and topics mentioned: