Dragoness 30

49: Holly Turiya on Tantra, Sexual Liberation and Healthy Relationship Patterns

We are excited to host Holly Turiya on this episode of the Mangu.tv podcast series. 

Holly is a Women’s Sexual Liberation coach who is on a mission to facilitate the freedom of the hearts and bodies of women so they can love and live while practising full aliveness. She’s trained in the VITA Method coaching modality, a Tantric approach to healing sexuality through science and spirit. She lives in Nosara Costa Rica and has cultivated a thriving Tantra community in the jungle. Visit her website at www.hollyturiya.com to listen to her weekly podcasts, and to learn more about her private mentorship journey and online courses. You can also follow her on Instagram @holly.turiya.

Holly shares her story and catalyst for change when DJing left her feeling disconnected and burnt out. She began studying and practicing tantra and discovered her passion for sexual liberation. Giancarlo and Holly discuss open relating, knowing when to end a relationship and healthy relationship patterns.