Zoran Todorovic.cb53da21fd3084cdde7693d72a4677df

35: Zoran Todorovic on Evolutionary Coaching and Awakening the Global Consciousness

We are delighted to invite Zoran Todorovic back to the Mangu.tv podcast series. Zoran is a leading master coach, notable author, sought-after speaker, thought leader, visionary and activist for the evolution of human consciousness. Zoran has a vision and mission to help with the development of humanity and heal on a collective level. 

In this episode Giancarlo and Zoran discuss the idea of oneness or collective consciousness as opposed to duality consciousness, they talk about the crossover between science and spirituality and how everything is interconnected on a sub-atomic level. Zoran dives deeper into the value of connecting to source, one’s essence or essential self and quietening the mind. He discusses how his coaching practices have evolved in the past year, to incorporate the collective wound not just the individual, and how he envisions healing on a collective level through his coaching methods.

Go to the full transcript here

Full Transcript

Giancarlo: [00:00:00] Hello, hi, welcome to this new episode of the Mango TV podcast. Today we have Zoran Todorovic. We had a beautiful interview with him exactly one year ago, in February 2022, and now Zoran is back. Instead of reading his bio, because we did that last episode, I will ask Zoran to take one minute to introduce himself.

So, who are you? 

Who am I? Who are you? [00:01:00] 

Zoran: Well, I’m passionate about evolution of human consciousness and I’ve been working with evolution of human consciousness through coaching and specifically evolutionary coaching in last 25 years. I’ve been coaching and training and mentoring and guiding people from all around the world from any business areas to their personal life, personal development, And yeah, more or less that’s in a nutshell, you know, what I’m about.

Giancarlo: Amazing, amazing. You mentioned the word consciousness. And you know, I’d love to dig deep on that, but first one thing that came out from the episode from last year, which I think is important is this how you are able to reconcile and integrate coaching and psychotherapy, because as we discussed, and people should really listen, the first episode is that, you know, you can have, if you do coaching without psychotherapy, you can become a overachiever, [00:02:00] neurotic psychopath.

Maybe. And if you do the, the psychotherapy without the coaching, you may become a healed bag of potato on the couch. Yes. So how do you reconcile these two discipline? 

Zoran: Yeah. The, the one enforces the other one in the most beautiful way. And the, the, for what I. perceived coaching is that this is an action oriented process.

So I think the most important thing in therapy or in coaching is integration and application of what you have understood, the insights you have had, back into your life. So, and that’s why I believe those two professions go well together because coaching really enables people to strongly apply and implement everything they’ve learned from therapy or from coaching back into their life.

And then the therapy creates insights and awareness of the things that you need to shift and transform. So if we don’t have them working together, then people be exactly as you said, either contemplating about their life forever and not [00:03:00] doing the action necessary to change or doing too much, but not being awakened and aware what they actually need to transform to have a better life.

Giancarlo: Very, very clear. Yes, very important. Okay, so From last year, I remember I asked you where does addiction come from, where does depression come from, where does fearful state come from, and you said that they all come from disconnection. So anxiety, depression is a disconnection from self and fearful state is a disconnection from purpose or source.

So I’m particularly interested now to explore this concept of source. Because full disclosure, I did holotropic breath work session. Mm-hmm . Have you heard about this practice? Yeah. It’s you know, the godfather of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, Stan Grove, when they made LSD illegal, he thought, okay, they’re not gonna make breeding illegal.

And he found that with this [00:04:00] over oxygen, over oxygenating your brain for thir for three hours. with the specific music, you have a psychedelic experience, you have a mystical experience. And that’s what I had. I had a full on mystical experience, meaning I experienced the presence of God, of divinity. And, and so that, that resuscitated this you know, more than curiosity.

It’s almost I remember you say last year, you said you know, fearful states is is a, is a faith issue. And, and, and so now I, I, I would like to, to explore that. So let’s start from the beginning. So how do you define consciousness? That’s a 

very good question. No, but I know they call it the heart, the heart problem of consciousness in science, but 

Zoran: how you, how you see it, how I define consciousness.

It’s the, the awareness. It’s beyond your thought, you know, so if you think about yourself that you have a thinking processes in your mind, and a lot of the people identify with [00:05:00] themselves through their thinking process. So they would say, I think therefore I exist. So when you move beyond thinking. into the space, their thoughts do not exist, then you tap into the conscious part of yourself, which is directly connected to what we call God or the source.


Zoran: And I would also expand on that consciousness is timeless. It’s an ever present moment. It’s in this moment right now, right here. So it doesn’t have future, past or present. It’s always present. And consciousness is also linked to the, our soul, which is the fragment from the conscious awareness that is incarnated in our body.

Okay, so 

Giancarlo: clearly, looking at the language you’re using, you don’t believe that Like our secular, scientific, materialistic science believe that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain. You know, we, you know, in, [00:06:00] in, you know, neurology, neuro neurobiology, they, they, they, they think that this sense of awareness is, is a, is an epiphenomenon of the brain.

That, that, that, you know, matter came from mind that that that this like three pounds of gray material when it reaches to the more complexity create awareness. But from the term you’re used, you know, you seem to believe the opposite, which is what the mystics and eastern philosophy indigenous tribes have been believing forever, which is the other 


Giancarlo: is that there is a cosmic consciousness.

which is before, even maybe before the Big Bang, maybe there is a cosmic consciousness. Did you follow the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022? No. So basically, they give it to these three scientists, who is a Swedish one and I can’t remember now exactly, because they prove the quantum entanglement. I’ve heard of it, of course, yeah.

So, so it’s crazy. It’s like, you know, they prove, they [00:07:00] scientifically proven. With the criteria of modern science, which is, you know, repeatability and that two objects separate, maybe one is in China and one is in Ibiza. And by observing on a subatomic level one, you change, it changes on the other side of the planet.

So, you know, mainstream media, of course, didn’t report that very much, but the implication of that is that. You know, the Newtonian Cartesian view of the universe, which is a big, gigantic mechanical clock. And this idea of subject object, this duality, this separation that I am an observer and I look at the moon and the stars is basically been proven wrong.

But so how, yeah, for you is obvious. But so I want to hear from you. How do you how you do, how do you reconcile this Nobel prize into. Your work. 

Zoran: Well, you know, for [00:08:00] me, I would, I would take the other, you know, take on it because I’m believer in Tesla technology. You know, I’ve been following Tesla as a scientist, not only because, you know, he has the same origin like I do, which is Serbian to start with.

But also if you look into Tesla’s research patterns and achievements, he is one of the first spiritual scientists, so to say, because he was talking about ether. And he was saying that ether, it’s our, our mind and ether, it’s also aetheric sphere around the planet that is directly connected to our mind.

And his fascination was that whenever he saw the the, the skies changing or, you know, big storms with He was always connecting, you know, those storms with how we feel in how we think and how we feel inside the mind. So to cut a long story short, he was able to prove that ether exists and he was able to prove that the consciousness exists [00:09:00] beyond ether and that, you know, our thinking processes are etheric field.

So basically, when we learn how to go beyond our mind and connect. As I said before, beyond our thinking, we are the ones that are creating our thoughts, and those thoughts are coming from this etheric field. And he was able to prove it, show it, demonstrate it. You know, a lot of his experiments were visible.

You can check it out and see how he defines the etheric field. And now in the science after he passed on, they, through the Einstein’s theory of relativity, they said that ether doesn’t exist, which is not true. And this is where this whole confusion between science and spirituality starts because modern science has neglected the existence of ether, which is something that don’t believe it’s there.

So with this new, you know, accomplishment, Nobel Prize winners and entanglement, they’re going back where Tesla was I think 120 years [00:10:00] ago. 

Giancarlo: Yeah, it’s fascinated. Rupert Sheldrake explains it very well. He says in 1636, Descartes wrote the critic of the pure reason, something like that. And and basically he said that you know, he put mind and angel and spirit and all the metaphysical experience on a different category.

He didn’t deny it. He just said it was a different category. And then in the 17th, 18th century, they just thought that, you know, we don’t need this And so it’s sort of like Take away divinity and the connection with the ether like Tesla calls it out of the equation. And so we have created this in the West, this secular materialistic paradigm.

Zoran: Exactly. 

Giancarlo: So ultimately, you know, here at Mango TV, we try to be like, you know a practical spiritualist. So pragmatic. So how does How does a connection, first of all, I want to know, how do you develop a connection with source or ether or [00:11:00] divinity or divine consciousness or intelligence consciousness?

You know, many people don’t have not only the connection, but not even the awareness that he might exist. So I want. to ask you, How do you become aware of it? How do you connect with it? And how do you cultivate it? 

Zoran: So from my observation, my experience, you know, to develop the relationship, let’s call it God, you know, because God, it’s it’s encompasses source code, divine essence.

It’s a bit loaded word though. I know, but we can, you know, sources, I think it’s a bit politically correct. Let’s do source. But I also want to say God because some people believe in God, you know, some people use God instead of source. So, but then you can call it any way. Yeah. 

Giancarlo: If you say God, it brings the monotheistic idea of the one guy.


Zoran: Yeah. 

Giancarlo: Which that I don’t believe in. Yeah. 

Zoran: Okay. Of course. Creation source. So let’s go creation source. Or cosmic intelligence. Yeah. So the, one of the stories. Yeah. Yeah. Of creation and source and cosmic intelligence is that the [00:12:00] source is always evolving and over changing and over expanding and developing and source is creating different situations or different circumstances to experience and explore itself.

And one of the games that the, or, or experiences that source is playing, it’s what we call duality consciousness or third dimensional conscious awareness. When you, when we are born out of the source into this physical body in the form of the soul but we forget that we’re part of it. And the game it’s about remembering you know that you’re part of it.

But literally if you think about The script of the source is like, what would happen if I was to forget who I am, forget that I’m divine, forget that I’m interconnected with everything, forget that I’m all that is, ever been, has been, and I fragment myself into individual souls, into different human body, and then I begin process of remembering.

So [00:13:00] my core belief and my investigation research, I believe that that’s the case in our situation that we have forgot and we have incarnated. in the duality consciousness, and then we begin. Remembering. So your question is how spontaneously? No, but that’s, that’s your question. How? You know, a lot of the people remember when they have hardships, you know, the point of trigger of remembering source is when something tough is happening in their life.

So let me give you an example. When they need help. Yeah, when you need help. When I was you. in a situation off of plane issues and plane was supposed to crush and we had a very difficult situation in emergency landing. That was like 10 years ago. Everybody in the plane was praying to God and connecting to source.

And I was looking around myself. They’re like, Please, God, help me, please. Source help me. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. Please speak. But in that instance, immediately. [00:14:00] they will reach out to something bigger than themselves. So, for me, that remembering, that awakening always come from struggle and pain.

And this is the reason why a lot of people curate their lives to have struggle and pain, and to have discomfort, and to have issues that can be relationship, financial family physical, whatever the issue. We are struggling with everybody has some trauma, you know. previous life trauma. We all have them.

And those pain points are there to trigger our conscious awareness in starting to remember and cultivate the relationship with that creator that we call source or God, right? So that’s the starting point for everybody. 

Giancarlo: But what about if people don’t have a, you know, near that accident, like a plane crashing?

Zoran: They will have something in their family, they will have relationship issues, they will have, they will have issues with their mother, with their father, they will, somebody will abuse them, they will have a tough boss, everybody, Giancarlo. Has pain point. There is nobody. [00:15:00] I’ve coached millions of people, not millions, thousands of people around.

Even the people who are assorted and they look sorted and they look life is completely amazing. They have pain. 

Giancarlo: Yeah, they do, but I don’t think that that is a door to the divine. Like my father had a difficult moment and he would never even consider that. 


Giancarlo: know, like even in that plane, maybe 90 percent were praying, but I’m sure there was some secular materialist that And that’s an extreme case.

But that’s 

Zoran: extreme. That’s what I’m saying. You know, but if you, if you take the average Joe, if you take the average human being, you ask the question, how do we remember that connection? And I’m saying to you that, you know, to the audience as well, that we all do when we are in moments of pain and crisis and we need to reach out to something bigger.

Yeah, but I’m not convinced. Well, you know. 

Giancarlo: Tough, tough. No, I’m not convinced because yes, possibly. In moments of crisis, you remember God, but then when the crisis is over, you forget, right? Yeah, if 

Zoran: you’re ignorant enough, 

Giancarlo: of [00:16:00] course. But look how many secular materialists, I mean, okay, Ibiza is pretty much a spiritual island, but, you know, I spent 25 years in New York and I know so many secular materialists, also can be beautiful people, you know, they aren’t.

non spiritual people that help other people all the time and the spiritual people extremely narcissistic sub center. So I don’t have moral. I’m not saying it’s better. I’m just, you know, since I’ve been exploring connection with source, I’m, I’m, I’m curious from your point of view, from a coach point of view, from someone who helps people.

Okay, let’s, let’s take it. Let’s, let’s, let’s try a different angle. How does Connection with divinity help personal growth. 

Zoran: Well, you know, the connection to divinity, it’s everything in the personal growth. Because if you If you understand who you are on the level of the essence, your essential self, which is beyond your personality, which is before your character, [00:17:00] before your beliefs.

If you understand who you are on the essential level and you connect to that part of yourself, then you can actually grow and evolve. And the entire personal development industry, it’s focused towards Finding that connection to yourself, in order to find connection to others, in order to find connection to the world.

So, how does it help? It’s, it’s the beginning point. 

Giancarlo: But they all, they all, they all, the coaching industry talks about authentic self, not necessarily as a connection to divinity, but as driven or finding your Quality. Your strength, your uniqueness. I mean, Tony Robbins never mentioned gold. Mm-hmm . Or maybe it does, 

Zoran: maybe it does, it does.

Tony Robbins mentions God a lot. I mean, you know, it’s just a, it’s just a language, but the meaning behind the language is the same. When you talk about authentic self, when you talk about unique self, when you talk about values, when you talk about what makes you tick, when you talk about your strengths.

This is all about your essential self, your unique essence. Who [00:18:00] are you, again, before you have created your personality, your thoughts, your beliefs, and your ego. So, you know, when you connect to that part, then the evolution starts. Because you understand, okay, I’m a divine being. And I’m here to experience human life, but 

Giancarlo: that passage, I’m not entirely convinced because I had totally get it that when you connect with your essential self, that’s where your development start.

But what I don’t understand is how do you connect your central self to source to a to a cosmo genetic field to this to this, to this idea that on a subatomic level, we are connected and that, you know, a thought here. Can affect something maybe in the future, in the past, you know, because what you were talking about, Tesla and Ether, it’s similar to what Bavlasky was talking about the Akashic record and, and, and and what Sheldrake talks about the morphogenetic field.

I mean, this is like, it’s not just essential [00:19:00] self. This is, it just turns on his head. What we all thought about, you know, goodwill and, and the old time and space construct. Try again to tell me why the essential self is connected to Source. Because it is. It’s 

Zoran: something you know intuitively. No, everybody knows.

It’s not only me. Everybody knows. So listen, when you connect to your essential self, you have this sensation of interconnectivity. You know, you’re connected to essential self. People have this pivotal life experiences again. In meditation, through breathing, through lovemaking, through sexual exchange, through spending time with their dogs, with their family, there is, being with the kids as well, when you look into their eyes, you can see their essence, you connect to their essential selves and to yourself.

When you connect to your essential self, you, you feel naturally interconnectivity with everything around you. Now, we can be ignorant [00:20:00] and, you know, and forget about it, of course, but if you are a little bit mindful, a little bit present, you will begin feeling that you are interconnected with all. You know, it will be a natural state that will come from that connection to essential self.

And if we are co, if you’re able to coach it and cultivate it, then you begin growing it. And when you grow it, you expand it, then you begin to connect it to the, how we teach it traditionally. It’s to the world around you, to the universe around you, to multiverse around you, to the galaxy and so on and so forth.

And then you get it. Then you understand that you’re interconnected. within your individual body. Of course, you feel separation because we in duality consciousness, but you are interconnected. It’s a feeling. 

Giancarlo: It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling. It’s an empirical. It’s a it’s experiential. Yes. But but then, you know, there are practices to make this Experience easier to access like meditation, like breathing, like, you know, being [00:21:00] aware of the luminous in nature.

Zoran: Like yoga, like, you know, waking up and spending time with the sun, the sun glazing, like being with the full moon. Like there’s a lot of practices that cultivate connection. And once again, we talked about it in first podcast, but I would say in this one, the most important thing for our podcast. Bye.

Human evolution right now at this step is that cultivating that connection to your essential self, which is knowing yourself on the level of essence beyond, before your personality and then cultivate the connection through the source, through your, through your own connection to yourself. I think once when we have that a lot of things will disappear.

And how will people get there? You mentioned that some people will naturally get there and some people, you know, even in a, in a hardship and crisis will not go there, which is okay, you know, but I think that minority, you know, I think that if you look around yourself right now with the Millennials and Generation Z and what’s going on in [00:22:00] the world with the consciousness and spiritual awakening movement, a lot of people are connecting in.

Giancarlo: Yeah, also with the psychedelic 

Zoran: Renaissance. Yes, exactly. Because there you really feel it. So what happens when people take psychedelic? What happens when people go to the ceremony? They connect to themselves, right? They find that essence, which is beyond, before their personality, and then they have this pivotal experiences of connecting to energy, to seeing, source, you know, whatever experience takes them to.

Giancarlo: Yeah, yeah. Okay. But so let’s go back to coaching and personal development and how you’re gonna like, you know, have an empowered and, you know, living life to your full potential. I always feel, um, attention. No, I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s an erroneous feeling because, you know, you told in the last episode that it’s a dance between radical acceptance and personal growth.

But what I’m trying to say is that once you have this [00:23:00] understanding of source how do you integrate source in your, in your okay, a typical example is You know, this deal is not coming through. Trust the universe is not time or move your ass and call the partners and make it happen. So how do you reconcile abandoning to a mystic design or push as much as you can for things to 

Zoran: happen.

Giancarlo: You know what I mean? 

Zoran: Of course, of course. So the beautiful thing that that coaching offers is the space for people to feel how they feel for them to hear how they think and for them to choose how they’re going to act. And in those two examples, you know, things are happening badly. Do I just apply spiritual principle of timing is not right.

So I need to practice patience and wait for things to happen or to push patients aside and just persevere [00:24:00] and move on and kind of keep on moving through that situation. So the answer is not always Straightforward, you know, within the coaching conversation, the right choice will appear based on the situation in the moment right now.

So sometimes when you really sit with the situation and you really connect and you really feel and you really give it the space, stillness and silence, you would know from inside out again from the source, from the essential self, if this is the question of timing, that how the constellation around that.

project is working. The people, the interlay, the relationship, the movement, the documentation that whatever it’s going on needs certain time to follow through in order for anybody to act. So you simply need to sit still or it stuck and then you need to activate and you need to start persevering, pushing and hustling, so to say, in order to make it happen.

But that feeling will come from that deeper knowing that we call [00:25:00] intuition. 

Giancarlo: So elaborate a little bit on Staying still. So, so someone is someone is, you know, I went through that very recently about, you know, selling an apartment on a certain price at a certain moment. And is it right? Is it wrong?

Could I wait? So you stay still. What is the practice to find, you know, like the wisdom of your body or the wisdom off of source that might be connected? The same thing. How do you find valuable information. 

Zoran: The most important thing, it’s our ability to quiet the thoughts. So stillness for me means that we sit together right now.

We connect to our breath and we feel our breath and be consciously breathe. So we don’t breathe like just like that. Subconsciously, we consciously breathe when we consciously breathe. Then we get in relationship with our thoughts. and we begin observing what we’re thinking. And usually [00:26:00] the busy minds, you know, busy thoughts, right?

We think about this, think about that, think about this. So through the breathing, the most important thing is stealing the thoughts. Once when the thoughts are still and as we call them in traditional Taoism, you become a Still lake, so there is no movement whatsoever. But between stillness, then you can actually connect to your intuition, gut feeling, instinct, and feel the next move.

And that’s where it comes from. It doesn’t come from thinking because thoughts are going to take you to this direction, that direction, that direction. And this is. What I’ve said all the time when I’m coaching the most important thing is being in relationship with your thoughts and learning how to master your mind so that thoughts are not governing you but we’re governing our thoughts ourselves.

Giancarlo: Yeah. What is there is a science of a kinestology where Can you explain that a little? 

Zoran: When you ask your body, basically. But again, you know, we need to be beyond thoughts. You need to [00:27:00] quiet down, still down. And then, you know, you will lift up your hand and I would ask your body, Giancarlo, is it the right time to move right now?

Do you need to be still impatient? Do you need to wait? And then, you know, you will train your body to say if it’s down, yes. If it’s up, no. And then your body would literally communicate to you which is the sum of your collective consciousness. So you can also ask your body which is the sum. fun exercise to do.

Do you do it? Yeah. When I, you know, when I’m in the, in the case myself, when I’m beyond, I’m unable to quiet my mind because we’re all struggling with that. We’re overstimulated with technology. We’re overstimulated with a lot of projects. We almost multitasking. We have a lot of things going on. So a lot of people are struggling quite in their mind.

I do too. So sometimes when I have that, then I would go back into my body and ask my body and then trust it’s the next step. Trusting. 

Giancarlo: Yeah, I mean, it’s it’s like learning a new skills. 

Zoran: Yeah, learning a new skills, but it’s also getting more [00:28:00] mystical, getting more magical, getting more, you know, multidimensional, getting more open up, understanding that, you know, we are in a specific evolutionary step, understanding that humanity is awakening, being courageous to move beyond.

conditioning of doing same old, same old, same old and experimenting, you know, that’s, that’s the, you know, the excitement of this times for me. You know, 

Giancarlo: I want to go, I want to try to go in a completely different direction. Of course, go ahead. What is your experience with with neo tantra or classical tantra sacred sexuality?

Did you look at that a little bit? 

Zoran: Yes, I did. And I was in my mid thirties. I was in relationship with a lot of people in my communicated community at that time. You know, they were in tantra and sexuality and exploration of that. So I did as well explore that. And I have mixed feelings. about it. What I figured out is that [00:29:00] if we find a very powerful teacher who is 100 percent in integrity, then the white tantra can work really, really well.

But if people connect to the teaching or the teachers who are out of integrity or spiritual sexuality, then it’s a slippery slope. 

Giancarlo: But like any practice, right? Yeah, but it’s much more. Yeah, can be more hurtful. Yeah. Yeah. It can be really, really traumatizing. Yeah. 

Zoran: Yeah. I mean, you know, the sexuality and, you know, especially masking feminine energy, I mean, you know what I mean?

It’s dangerous. It’s 

Giancarlo: dangerous. You know, I thought about that because when we’re talking about, you know, letting the body, you know, they, some people say that, you know, the third millennium is the millennium of the wisdom of the body. And now we know that, you know, so. It’s not that we know now, since the Nobel prize, I say now we know, but we start to know that, you know, as below, so, so, so as below, so above.

So this idea that, you know, our body are, [00:30:00] you know, divine vessel. And so now there is a new trend online of female tantra teachers, neo tantra teachers, which start associating the some tantra practices like the uni And, and all the armoring I know about it. Yeah. And, and the interesting thing is that many, many, you know, you see on Instagram now that the algorithm and discover that I’m interested, it sends me all these tantra teachers and new tantra teachers and the 

Zoran: algorithm is clever, right?

Yes. Super 

Giancarlo: clever. And, and, and, and there is so many teachers now connect new tantra and the armoring. with financial success. 


Giancarlo: So they would say things like, are you stuck with work? Come and do the Yoni, the armor, the armoring, which sounds maybe just a marketing fad, but there was one episode which caught my attention.

It was this lady that was working in fashion in Milan and she was saying, now she’s [00:31:00] becoming a tantra facilitator. And she was saying that, you know, all our friends, this Milanese, a super ambitious workaholic wannabe fashion designer, they were like so tired and exhausted because they would put like 80 hours a week, a hundred hours a week to launch their line and very competitive word in fashion.

And, and then when the host I was listening was saying, was telling their friends, listen, you need to relax, take care of yourself. You have to like, you know, look at some spiritual practice. They say, Oh no, no, no, I don’t have time for spiritual practice. First. I have to launch my, my brand, my collection, and then I do a spiritual work.

And this lady was very articulate in explaining that they’re never going to do it because being in line with yourself is helpful, if not indispensable for reaching your goal. And so I just think it’s fascinating that now there’s going to be a generation of women that are going, you know, through you know, vagina, deep tissue massage to get the collection.[00:32:00] 


I mean, that’s what I and for men, sorry for men. It’s through the butt. It’s the armoring the butt. Yeah, you know, listen, 

Zoran: that’s what I’m saying. We need to be open to experience new stuff all the time. And, you know, they are. But for me, when you talk about it on a deeper level, I, you know, let’s go to in the concept of chakras, right?

So you said, you know, that they’re promoting it on instagram. If the armor it’s linked to your financial success. Yeah. And the first chakra, which we call in spirituality, the rook chapter chakra, it’s linked to the material wealth and abundance. And it’s linked to the connection to the, you know, read this world.

And if you’re stuck there, meaning that this, the energy is not flowing, then you have issues. So I think that this practice probably moves the circulation of this chakra system for people who don’t know what chakras are. There’s the energy system within our body [00:33:00] that move and circulate in in a in a toroidal feel energy.

And when they move, we have healthy body, right? We have. 

Giancarlo: Yeah, it’s so true. It’s so true. And when, when you see people that we say, Oh, he’s so like anal retentive, usually they’re not very successful. Yeah. It’s always, it 

needs to do what it needs to do to, you know, move on in there and block. Yeah, but it’s so 

Giancarlo: counterintuitive for a man to think about going, getting like someone stranger, putting a finger up your butt to unblock your financial blockage.

It’s quite counterintuitive. 

It’s good marketing, though. I think, I think, you know, 

Zoran: people, people will do what I need to do. I think that everybody, you know, needs to do the right thing. And also, you know, this is challenging us to go beyond our rigid beliefs. I think that now we’re in the time. When we need to loosen up a little bit, what do we believe and how straightforward are we and what are the program is that the programs that we’ve all bought into?

And if [00:34:00] that works, why not? That’s my, my saying, you know, if that works, why not? What is the belief that is preventing you? Usually people immediately think, Oh, that means I’m gay. You know, yeah, it’s, it’s, you know, that yeah, cultural conditioning steps in. So then, you know, I think that we need to challenge ourselves to be open a little bit and experiment.

Have you done an anal dearmoring? Not. But maybe I will after this podcast. I don’t know. Okay. So in a year. Yes. And on our third episode, we’ve got to 

Giancarlo: check. 

Zoran: Of course. I’ll let you know. I’m going to be inspired, right? I’m good with material thing. I need to work on something else. Let’s see. Exactly. 

Giancarlo: But so what what’s on your mind these days?

What’s Intrigue you. What turns you on? What? What? What? What happened in the last year that you want to mention? 

Zoran: Well for me, what intrigues me right now, it’s it’s a global evolution and awakening of human consciousness What i’m passionate about is seeing how are we unifying as a collective in awakening?

That’s my a point [00:35:00] of attention at this moment in awakening 

Giancarlo: as a collective awakening 

Zoran: as a collective I think that we are pivotal times on evolution. And as you know, probably, and I don’t know if audience know, I perceive, and it has been scientifically proven, and now with this Nobel Prize as well, that human beings are collective consciousness.

Yes, we’re individual, but we’re also part of the collective hive. So what you think, what I think, what everybody else thinks impacts each other. So, you know, we are not just singular isolated. So How we actually evolve is to this quantum leaps of collective consciousness. And, and in order for us to move from one paradigm to another paradigm, you know, we need to be awakening collective.

And I think that the paradigm is shifting, you know, the financial paradigms is shifting. Through COVID we saw what is happening with the health paradigm. The economy is changing rapidly as well. The, what’s going on [00:36:00] with people understanding that there is a life beyond this planet, you know, understanding there are star beings, extraterrestrial life happening.

So there’s a lot of things that are currently in this weird, the wars. You know, that we have in an attention right now. So all of that for me, it’s facilitating collective conscious awareness and awakening. So I am passionate about it. I’m passionate about every single human being right now understanding what is theirs to do in order for them to be able to awaken and become part of that collective consciousness awakening movement.

And everybody has a part to play, you know, some people are teachers. Some people are followers. Some people are, you know, doing their jobs, you know, but everybody has a specific part to play. So for me, that’s the attention right now. How do we awaken collective? 

Giancarlo: But so how long have you been coaching for?

27 years now, nearly, yeah. Yeah. But so [00:37:00] how do you think is your coaching style evolved in relation to this collective awakening? 

Zoran: Yes. You know, how did it evolve is because when I started coaching, I was coaching individual, right? And every time somebody will come to me, I would focus on them, their issues, problems, challenges and opportunities and so on and so forth.

And then when you coach enough people, you begin seeing that it’s just the same pattern and same problem that everybody has. It’s just a different face, different name. But in the essence, it’s the same issue that we’re struggling with. And then you get into understanding that we’re part of the collective, and that each individual is part, representative of collective.

has the same challenges in the matrix that we have created. So how my coaching changed is that instead of coaching individual, I’m coaching the issue, collective issue, to the person who is in front of me. So let me give you an example. So if you have a mother [00:38:00] or, let’s say, a businessman who’s struggling with stress Let’s, let’s do it like that.

Executive CEO in a, in a stressful job. Instead of coaching him only when we, when I coach him, I connect to all of the other executives around the world in the same situation. I invite them consciously to be present through the field, through the field, you know, through the conscious, the connection, we remember we all interconnected.

So you have to use your imagination to imagine the field, to imagine the tourist field. And then they’re online. So as he is transforming, everybody else is transforming through him and with him. What is the benefit for him? He has more energy, more presence, more compassion to himself. And he understands he’s not alone because we tend to personalize issues.

We tend, this is only happening to me. Everybody else is sorted, everybody else that feels stressed with life, but I am the one who is mostly stressed of everybody that I know. So when you work with that individual through the, through the collective lens, the benefit [00:39:00] are he He feels that he is part of that and he feels that once when it shifts that everybody, everything else is transformed as a result of him shifting.

And in the long run, when enough people are coached or going through the therapy or healing around the issue of stress, that issue simply disappears from collective because we healed it on a collective level. Right? And then people in 100 years time will look back and say, Wow, look at that. 100 years ago they were struggling with stress.

How funny is that? You know, right? So it’s not relevant any longer. Why this is not relevant is because we did the work now to transform, heal. through the collective. Does it make sense? Yeah, it 

Giancarlo: does to me. But you know, it’s I think mainstream people would not really understand very easily this idea of, you know, healing the collective through healing you.

I mean, you need to have an understanding. and a feeling of this interconnectivity of the field. But don’t 

Zoran: you think that a lot of people intuitively know that? [00:40:00] You know, there is a distinction between conscious knowing and subconscious knowing. I think that people who do you refer to as disconnected on a certain level, they know subconsciously they’re connected, right?

What Tesla was saying, for example, is that When people say we use only 5 percent of our brain and then 90, 95 percent of our brain is not used. He was saying to people 120 years ago, nothing in nature is independent. Yeah, exactly. Nothing in nature is independent. Nothing in nature doesn’t have functionality.

Nature doesn’t create brain and then brain doesn’t work. Right? Or we say we don’t know what brain does. 95%. 95 percent of the brain is managing the relationship with the ether. Managing relationship with collective field. Managing the connection with collective field without us even knowing. So, this is what I’m saying to people who you feel, Oh, how they’re going to get this?

They get it [00:41:00] subconsciously. So it’s about awakening and activating. Yeah. 

Giancarlo: But do you agree that, you know, 95 percent of the world population, they might feeling subconsciously, but they don’t, they never activated because we know when you lead through, when you lead your life through, through, through ego, which is 90 percent of the population, maybe not, maybe 70, I don’t know.

Definitely New York is like a hundred percent. Then, then, you know, like letting the ego rule your life is a recipe for Awakening the subconscious feeling of connectivity. So, yeah, no, very interesting. Very interesting. So, we’re getting close to 45 minutes and I want to be respectful of your time. Just so you have a retreat coming.

Yeah. Which 

Giancarlo: is fully booked. Yes. Tell us a little bit about the retreat, also because it involved my wife, I’m gonna give a little 

Zoran: bit of publicity. Yeah, it’s a, it’s [00:42:00] an infusion and collaboration it’s called Awakening the Soul Consciousness. This is exactly the topic we’re talking about, which is awakening of your soul consciousness, awakening of your essence, awakening of your connection to yourself and to the divine.

Giancarlo: We end up on the solution. Yeah. Quite subconsciously. 

Zoran: Exactly. And it’s a fusion of different practitioners, you know, myself and Lara and Stephanie. Yeah. Absolutely. and lower and each and every practitioner has a kind of specific take on how to facilitate that connection. And what I love about this retreat is multidimensional.

You don’t have only one person, you have around six, seven, eight, nine people working together with the field to facilitate that connection and that awakening. Beautiful. Yeah, it’s really lovely. It’s, it’s very transformational, deeply. Touching even for the people that, you know, we call them in the movement normies of people who are not willing to wake up or people who are in business.

You know, I work with business as well. You call them how sorry? Normies. Normies. Normies. What does it mean? Normality. [00:43:00] Normies. It’s like being normal all the time, not, not crossing the line to experience anything else. Normies. So normies, even when normies come, they, they transform, they transform. Again, I believe in humanity, and again, I believe that even normies and the most hardcore executive Who is ego driven?

Sociopath just caring about money deep inside of himself or herself. He has a connection to, to the source. Yeah. Beautiful. It’s just about facilitating. Beautiful. Yeah. 

Giancarlo: You know, when, when, when I people, when I speak with people like you, which of course you’re not very common as you know, it’s, that’s where.

I, I become optimistic about the future because, you know, teaching like yours the other day, I did the two days with Gabor compassion, equally protocol with shamanism. So trauma in full traumatic practice. Wow. Amazing. I mean, I feel that there’s all this powerful discipline that you mentioned that you retreat, you know, Stephanie, my wife does compassion inquiry and lower does shamanism and you do evolutionary coaching a lot of more [00:44:00] like yoga and embodiment.

And And I think that in addition to the skills of the practitioner, there is the magic of the group. 


Giancarlo: There’s an alchemy of the group. So, okay, so this one is fully booked. How do people find information and maybe reserve for next one? Yeah. 

Zoran: Probably we’re gonna open next one in October, you know, and two ways.

One is going to tnmcoaching. com. It’s t n m coaching. com slash events and then the retreat is there and it’s also on avatar. Yeah, we’ll put it on the show notes. And also now Instagram pages we kind of promoted really heavily because it’s a it’s it’s a wonderful retreat once again, you know, please come and join because it really, really, really benefits.

And you know, usually, you know, what happens in this retreat, I just want to make make sure that this is fun thing. The groups are interesting, you know, how people end up being in retreat and who comes and the synergy between people and what happens. in between. It’s also wonderful. Beautiful, 

Giancarlo: beautiful. [00:45:00] So if you had to recommend, let’s say one book and one movie for people that want, what’s the title of the retreat again?

Awakes Awakening 

Zoran: the Soul Consciousness 

Giancarlo: Awakening the Soul Consciousness. What would you recommend? Can you please recommend one book and one movie? to start that exploration. 

Zoran: The book that I would recommend is let me think in relationship to the soul consciousness connection with 

Giancarlo: spirit, spiritual awakening.

We are connected. 

Zoran: I would recommend a very old book, which is called bringers of the dawn. Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara McMikey, I remember her. We’ll find the Bringers of the Dawn. That’s a good book to read in order to understand initiation of the soul consciousness. And the movie that I would recommend to watch is the Triangle of Sadness that I watched just a few days ago, which I really like.

You know, watch that. 

Giancarlo: Nice. Yeah, it’s the same director than The [00:46:00] Square, which was a great one. Great. Zoran, we’ll see you in 12 months. Yeah. I will give you advice for your anal dearmoring. Please do. And good luck with everything. Thank you for your time. 

Thank you so much.