
  • Lorna

    44: Lorna Liana on integration coaching and harm reduction in the Psychedelic Renaissance

    Lorna Liana discusses the experiences that led to her work with psychedelics, current projects, harm…

  • Whatsapp Image 2023 06 13 At 14.33.08

    43: Pondside Talk & Debate: Eros and Spirit with Marianne Costa, Jorge Ferrer, Santoshi Amor and Raffaello Manacorda

    In this pondside talk & debate Giancarlo is joined by Marianne Costa, Jorge Ferrer, Santoshi…

  • Raffaello Manacord Image Landscape

    42: Raffaello Manacorda on Tantra, Daoism, alternative community living, and ISTA

    Raffaello Manacorda discusses his path to spiritual awakening, through living in alternative communities in Rome,…

  • Screenshot 2023 04 13 At 16.52.51

    41: Diego Torán on music with intention, psychedelics, regenerative living and House of Frequency

    Diego Torán discusses his journey in the music industry to his current project House of…

  • Giancarlo

    40: Giancarlo Canavesio on psychedelics, healing, cosmic consciousness and regeneration

    On this special episode, Jo Youle aka The Reset Rebel interviews Giancarlo Canavesio. Giancarlo discusses…

  • Italy Rome Ff Monogamish Portraits, Rome, Italy
    Mandatory Credit: Photo by Domenico Stinellis/AP/Shutterstock (6703824a) Tao Ruspoli Director Tao Ruspoli poses for portraits at the Rome Film Festival in Rome Italy Rome FF Monogamish Portraits, Rome, Italy

    39: Tao Ruspoli on Psychedelics, Consensual non-monogamy, Community & radical Living

    Tao Ruspoli joins Giancarlo for a well-overdue catch-up. The conversation follows psychedelics, consensual non-monogamy, community…

  • Jeronimo Mazarrasa

    38: Psychedelic Confessions with Jerónimo M.M.

    Jerónimo M.M. shares his experiences with psychedelics, covering Marijuana, MDMA, LSD, Coca, and Ayahuasca. He…

  • Tamara2 800x1200

    37: Tamara Groen on Sacred Sexuality, Tantra and Authentic Connection

    Tamara Groen discusses tantra, opening the energy body, safe containers for experimentation, leaning into discomfort…

  • 036 Louie Valotti New

    36: Louie Valotti on Deep Mind Technology, the Q’ero Lineage, and Journey from Body to Spirit

    Louie Valotti discusses deep mind technology, the third core principle of Genesis Holistic Medicine. He…

  • Zoran Todorovic.cb53da21fd3084cdde7693d72a4677df

    35: Zoran Todorovic on Evolutionary Coaching and Awakening the Global Consciousness

    Zoran Todorovic discusses his evolutionary coaching work which targets the collective wound rather than the…

  • Benjamin De Loenen

    34: Benjamin De Loenen on Ibogaine and the Challenges of its Globalisation

    Benjamin de Loenen discusses the implications of globalisation of master plants such as Ibogaine and…

  • Sole Davies 705x534

    33: Soledad Davies on Astrological Theories, Influences and Practices

    Soledad Davies discusses the intricacies of astrology, looking at various influences, theories and practices. Soledad…