Tag: shaman

Ayahuasca mainstream - Metsa talk pros and cons of the practice booming
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, analizes how Ayahuasca is growing in our society, what are the dangers and how we could all benefit from this. ...
Collective consciousness and our need for it, according to Metsa
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, talks about the need in our society to rediscover our roots, and our connection with nature through meditation. ...
Everything is connected - Consciousness in a cultural context
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, weighs in on psychedelics and consciousness in a cultural context; how it is evolving and how we are evolving ...
Energetic blockage - Metsa on westerners as patients
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, underlines how our cultural imprinting as westerners can affect negatively our experience with ayahuasca and the ...
Facing darkness - Metsa on the delicate relation with patients.
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, Talks about the difficulty for a curandero to separate the relationship with a patient in ceremonies and outside ...
Ayahuasca helps me take a picture - Metsa on the content of ceremonies.
Francois demange, a.k.a. Metsa, explains how a healer uses Ayahuasca during ceremonies. This is the fourth of a 10 Questions interview with Francois. ...
No food nor sex for a year? - The tough discipline of "The diet".
François Demange, a.k.a. Metsa, talks about the tough discipline needed for a healer to be able to cure others. This is the third of a 10 ...
Between Two Worlds - Metsa on the cultural shock of living the Vegetalismo life
François Demange, a.k.a. Metsa, explains the differences between our cultural imprinting and the environment he found himself in when he joined the ...
The french bourgeois who became a shaman - get to know Francois Demange
Get to know Francois Demange and his path to Ayahuasca and the culture of Peruvian Vegetalismo. This is the first of a 10 Questions interview with ...

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