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"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes."
The french bourgeois who became a shaman - get to know Francois Demange
Get to know Francois Demange and his path to Ayahuasca and the culture of Peruvian Vegetalismo. This is the first of a 10 Questions interview with ...
Tantra, masturbation and sexual healing - 10 Question with Sexy Revolution's Layla Martin
  Layla Martin is the creator of Sexy Revolution, a website and a community made by and for women with the purpose of fully embracing sexuality. ...
Sex, monogamy and dissatisfaction - 10 Question with Robert Kandell co-founder of One Taste
Robert Kandell has spent the last 10 years working with literally thousands of people on the charged topics of love, sex, and intimacy with the ...
"The Graphic" - Dr. Vrangalova catalogs every kind of CNM relationship
NYU adjunct professor of psychology Zhana Vrangalova shades lights on a elaborate graph that tries to explain every existing kind of Consensual Non ...
"They have more people to talk to." - Dr. Vrangalova on children from non monogamous families.
NYU adjunct professor of psychology Zhana Vrangalova shades lights on the subject with the help of a qualitative study. This is ...
Clitoral. Vaginal. Cervical? - Dr. Vrangalova on female orgasms.
NYU adjunct professor of psychology Zhana Vrangalova clarifies one of the most discussed topic of all. This is the eighth video on the topic, ...
Are Non Monogamous people happier? - Dr. Vrangalova thinks so, and she's backed by statistics.
NYU adjunct professor of psychology Zhana Vrangalova Gets into happiness and sex life of non monogamous people, with the help of the General ...
licking lsd LSD Laced with Strychnine and Other Urban Myths
A number of urban myths still persist about LSD, from people thinking they have turned into pieces of fruit, to the drug being contaminated with ...
"There is spanking, needles, pony play, urine play, ..." - Dr. Vrangalova on BDSM and BDSM people.
NYU adjunct professor of psychology Zhana Vrangalova Explains BDSM, who practice it and how it relates to monogamy. This is the sixth video on ...
What LSD feels like - keep looking Five Curious Facts About LSD
LSD is a ‘curious chemical’, the more one learns about this mysterious compound, the more curious it becomes.
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