
  • Hr Jackallocca Dsc9796 1

    56: Jack Allocca on Altered States of Consciousness, Psychedelic Science and Philosophy of Mind

    Jack Allocca discusses the cathartic moment that led him to a lifetime of inquiry into…

  • Betony Vernon 005 © Elodie Chapuis B49crbkit Scaled 1

    55: Betony Vernon on Spirituality, Sex, Sensuality and the Erotic Body Realm

    Betony Vernon discusses spirituality, sex, sensuality and the erotic body realm. She speaks about shibari,…

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    54: Batuhan Bintas on Psychedelics, AI and Educating the Future Generation

    Batahan Bintas discusses educating future generations about sacred sexuality, psychedelics and AI as a tool…

  • 053. Robert Mitchell

    53: Robert Mitchell on Psychedelics, Astrology and Cosmic Consciousness

    Robert Mitchell discusses his upbringing, mystical experiences, and doors to altered states. He speaks about…

  • 52 Alnoor Ladha

    52: Alnoor Ladha on Anarchism, Mysticism and Post-Capitalist Community

    Alnoor Ladha shares his story growing up in a Sufi tradition. He speaks about his…

  • Anna Tanya 17 Scaled 1

    51: Tanya Kazeminy on Sexual Evolution and Teaching Self-love

    Tanya Kazeminy discusses sexual ideologies, the importance of boundaries and modern-day sexual disconnect. She talks…

  • Matteo 50

    50: Matteo Norzi on Psychosomatic Healing and The Shipibo Conibo Center

    Matteo Norzi discusses his work with the Shipibo Conibo people and the value of psychosomatic…

  • Dragoness 30

    49: Holly Turiya on Tantra, Sexual Liberation and Healthy Relationship Patterns

    Holly Turiya shares her story and catalyst for change when DJing left her feeling disconnected…

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    48: Eliane Gerzelj on Relearning Intimacy & Ritualising Sexual Encounters

    Eliane Gerzelj shares her path to tantra and how a series of workshops and trainings…

  • Screenshot 2023 08 30 At 02.50.13

    47: Shiri Godasi on a Multidimensional Model for Integration and The Psyched Soul

    Shiri Godasi discusses her journey towards psychedelic therapy, the importance of language around self-development and…

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    46: Rory Spowers on his book ‘Thinking Like A Mountain: Seeking the Source Code for a Regenerative Culture’

    Rory Spowers discusses his new book – Thinking Like A Mountain: Seeking the Source Code…

  • Amanda

    45: Amánda Efthimiou on Psychedelic Wellness & Integration Practices

    Amánda Efthimiou discusses psychedelic wellness and integration practices. She speaks about the need to bridge…