Cast Category: Drugs & Medicines

  • Dtk Lama Tsultrim Allione Lg

    January 31, 2018
    Allione is an author and teacher who has studied in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage. She was born in 1947 in…
  • Dtk Cast Zach Leary Lg

    January 31, 2018
    Son of Timothy Leary, Zach is also a practitioner of bhakti yoga as taught by his guru Neem Karoli Baba.…
  • Dtk Roshi Joan Halifax Lg

    January 31, 2018
    In 1964 Halifax became deeply interested in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States after she graduated from Tulane…
  • Dtk Peggy Hitchcock Lg

    January 31, 2018
    An intimate friend to both Leary and Alpert, Hitchcock was instrumental in establishing a communal living and research community in Millbrook,…
  • Dtk Cast Joanna Harcourt Smith Lg

    January 31, 2018
    After meeting Leary in Europe while he was a fugitive, the couple went to Afghanistan, where they were arrested and sent…
  • Dtk Cast Huston Smith Lg

    January 31, 2018
    Smith left his birthplace of Suzhou for an American education in 1936 to study at Central Methodist University and the…
  • Dtk Cast Andrew Weill Lg

    January 31, 2018
    Weil attended Harvard university in the 60s where he came in contact with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert's psychedelic research.…
  • Dtk Cast Timothy Leary Lg

    January 30, 2018
    A counterculture icon, Timothy Leary, began probing the edges of consciousness while a Harvard psychology professor in the early 1960s…
  • Dtk Cast Ram Dass Lg

    January 30, 2018
    Ram Dass was born Richard Alpert. Before teaching at Harvard University, Dass attended Tufts University as an undergraduate, received a…
  • January 26, 2015
    Horizons is an annual forum for learning about psychedelics in New York City. Its goal is to open a fresh…