The Song That Calls You Home

Giancarlo's Recommendation
“The song that calls you home” is a documentary about Ayahuasca and the tribe Shipibo. Western medicine has a lot to learn from this type of “mind-body” approach to healing. Also what I liked about this doc is the story of the Italian athlete who uses this practice to clarify his life choices and not for a pathology. The ontological application of Ayahuasca is also very important
“It is very commonly experienced by the people who come here [the jungle] to realize ‘I thought it was gonna be about Ayahuasca’…but it is about the songs” – Dr. Joe Tafur. The Song That Calls You Home is a personal, scientific, and mystical exploration of Amazonian curanderismo – with a focus on Ayahuasca and Master Plants, their healing and visionary properties and risks – along with the wondrous world of the Shipibo people and Songs.
In recent years the use of Ayahuasca has become widely known, however, there is not much information about other rainforest Master Plants that have medicinal qualities and the capacity to bring about profound healing and transformation. In this film, we explore the realm of Amazonian plants and the Shipibo traditional way of establishing a connection with the spirit through diet and ceremony. This film aims to function as a bridge for those seeking to understand the facts and dynamics behind one of the most intriguing phenomena of our time – Ayahuasca Tourism.
The Song That Calls You Home
A personal, scientific, and mystical exploration of Amazonian curanderismo.
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+ HD Quality

“The song that calls you home” is a documentary about Ayahuasca and the tribe Shipibo. Western medicine has a lot to learn from this type of “mind-body” approach to healing. Also what I liked about this doc is the story of the Italian athlete who uses this practice to clarify his life choices and not for a pathology. The ontological application of Ayahuasca is also very important